The art of design Handoff
How to organize and provide a specification sheet for your next project to ensure seamless project execution with developers.
Have you ever finished a design project and handed it off to your developers in Figma, only to receive a flood of questions and confusion about your design and its specs? This happens when your handoff doesn’t provide enough details. Complex design elements like transitions, animations, and specific sections can leave developers scratching their heads, causing a loop of questions that waste time.
So, how can you break free from this cycle of confusion? Working on multiple projects, I’ve learned that a detailed handoff can clear up developer doubts. By including comprehensive specifications within your design files, you can address many questions in advance. Even if there are things they can’t do, they’ll spot them early, saving time and reducing frustration.
But you might be wondering, “What should I include in these specifications, and how do I do it?” Let’s explore my strategies.
Create a dedicated specifications section
I always start by creating a specific section for component specifications. This simple organization makes it easy for developers to find the information they need without searching through the entire design file.
I’ve found that giving developers a basic outline or wireframe of the component is incredibly helpful. It guides them through the structure and ensures I don’t miss any edge cases. This visual guide streamlines development and minimizes misunderstandings.
Break down the components
Here, I provide all the decisions I made while designing the component in detail. For instance, if it’s a savings tag component, I explain every part, including critical details like text placement and overlaps. This ensures that I communicate my expectations for the final output.
PS: yes you also do this overlap thing using auto layout, but there are high chances that one can miss it or they will end up asking you anyway.
Define component use cases
To prevent issues, I try to define all the possible ways the component might be used. This not only helps me identify areas that might have problems during production but also makes me consider various factors, like different device sizes and content variations. A comprehensive list of use cases is a great reference for both designers and developers.
Include all necessary assets and dev notes
Lastly, I make sure to provide all the essential asset links in the handoff section. This includes resources like Lottie files, illustrations, icons, and any other elements needed for an accurate implementation of the design.
By following these steps and creating a well-structured handoff, you can improve collaboration between designers and developers, reduce misunderstandings, and save time on your design projects. It’s a win-win for everyone involved.